Feb 26, 2013

Inspired from encoding the stimuli

We in experimental psycho-/neurolinguistics have to create something measurable (experiment) to describe something not measurable (linguistic reality). In this way, an experiment needs to quantify linguistic reality. So we need to find a way to create a complicated experiment which will be simulating/measuring a simplified reality. We need to make decisions which are very difficult to make, because they want to capture linguistic reality in the experimental material. These are the challenges we are facing every day. And we torture our minds trying to find a meaningful solution for these challenges.
Exactly there my thought problem emerges.
These challenges we have created ourselves, because we want to test reality. Test reality: oxymoron.

Basically the problem can be summarized in one sentence. Our testing methods are far to far away from reality and the ways to fill this gap might not even exist.

A rather negative thought from an otherwise positive person. Whatever. If you don't get it and care to get it, ask me. I think this could be the start of an extremely interesting discussion.

from http://xkcd.com/1163/

Feb 12, 2013

I need a dollar, dollar

mi dear friends it is a new non-snowy day in grey Marburg and I am at work.
should be working but I just thought I'll write some stupid lines and share my story.
I wanted to write last week about the snow and how it goes on my nerves because I cannot ride my bicycle, but I cannot write in Greek from the computer at work, so ksenerosa.

Remember I told you that the stress period was near? Well, it's there.
Ethikantrag, the pre-tests will most probably be ready to run in March, so we should start the fMRI experiment ideally in April?!? Juhuuu!! Excited and afraid. But happy in any case!

And a little song for you 'cause it has a nice beat, earphones on and loud..!!

that's me Vanilla

My photo
Λατρεύω τον Claude Monet, τα κυριακάτικα απογεύματα και το μπλε του ουρανού τις ενδιάμεσες ώρες, τους φίλους μου, τη φύση, τη ζωή.